Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dear Santa, No thank you. Love, Kristabel

Photo credit to Bumblebee, who was standing outside Broadway Animal Hospital laughing so hard the picture is blurry.


beachcomber said...

I've been driving by this sign and have seen other posts about it. I'm really hoping they just have a silly sense of humor at that office. I'd hate to think anyone was THAT clueless. But I love your blog title best.

Kristabel said...

Heh. I gives me great glee to think that whoever put that up is just completely serious and totally oblivious to how funny it is. I've been driving by it for weeks meaning to take a pic, but I'm a slacker. I kept thinking someone else would post it but haven't seen any others! Happy holidays, BC!

Jennifer Savage said...

You actually took a photo, which is more than I did, despite thinking every time, "I should take a photo of that sign and blog about it." So, good for you! So funny. It must be funny on purpose... right?

Kristabel said...

Nope. I did the same exact thing as you. I'm just fortunate enough to have a friend who had breakfast at Golden Harvest today and snapped it while she was there. I hope they leave it up 'til Jan. It's the only thing that's getting me through the holidays.

Jeff said...

Bloggers. Seein' the world filtered through their next post. I had the same thought when I passed this great sign...snap a quick photo and share a few pithy comments. I was relieved to see it was planted in front of an animal clinic, and not Longs. Merry Christmas indeed!

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious! Better fecal then rectal, though I suppose...

Anonymous said...

I mean, I'm just sayin'...

Tapperass said...


\ said...

OK OK, here's what everybody's been holding their breath, or their nose as the case may be, and waiting for.
Suzy's results: 2 peanuts, one squash seed, and a raisin.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Suzy, and a very Merry Christmas to you!

Anonymous said...

Oh leave it to Humboldt! I always knew that locals can't pronounce anything correctly and read properly. This sign just goes to prove that local's grammar sucks

Kristabel said...

Hmmmm. Hypocritical, missing the point and irritating this local all in one comment. Congrats, sun valley!