Here's how it all began. Try and follow me on this. I promise we will make it full circle (with a few detours on the way).
Have you ever read the children's book "If you give a mouse a cookie?" ...then he'll want a glass of milk to go with it...then a blanket for a nap etc. Well, that's how this weekend started. If you give a cousin a cornmeal lime cookie from a bagel shop in Arcata, she will obsess until she gets the recipe. She will scour the internet, experiment and taste test a million times until she is satisfied with the results (I'm still looking). Then she will want some enchiladas
to go with the cornmeal lime cookie experiment that went horribly wrong. Then some guacamole and of course a refreshing drink. Did someone say LIMONCELLO? I still don't know where the five pounds came from.

The health club says hello.
Don't worry...the 5 pounds are just your body's reaction to extreme stress and danger...an overabundance of adrenaline..or cortisone...or, um...well, MAYBE it had something to do with the pizza, the father's day feast, Arcata Pizza and Deli, the Kebab Cafe, the Eel River Brewing Company, the limoncello....No, I think it must've been the stress.
Kristabel and Keri,
I have read your blog and find it to be downright hilarious. I welcome you to the blogosphere!
Keep up the great writing.
Oh, and that black door at the Schooner...Maybe that's where I might find my own Saturday Night girl. Ha!
Thanks a bunch, Ekovox!
And if I ever see you at that black door, I'll run over, tackle you and force Jones green apple soda into your system until you come to your senses.
What happened to the limoncello recipe?
I love those corn lime cookies from Los Bagels, too! Let me know if you find the recipe. Yummy!
Jones Green Apple Soda mixed with Everclear,hmmmmm. I'm getting thoughts......
You're a man after my own heart, Ekovox.
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