Friday, September 14, 2007

Not For You Delicate Folks. Seriously.

To continue today's theme of....well, if you've read the previous posts you already's something Keri and I would like to share just because we're sweet that way. It's one of our favorite groups asking that age old question: Do you take it?

The Wet Spots

Well, do you?


Tapperass said...

My first question:

Can we get this song for Karaoke?

Second Question:

If so, can we sing it at the next "company" dance? Wait, too risky!!

Third Question:

Alright, "Taking one for the Team"? In the guy talk world, this already has meaning. So is this term now redefined??

If women want to find a man who "takes it", might I suggest a parolee from the Oswald Maximum Security Prison; known on the streets as OZ.

Keri said...

Thanks for diggin' up our favorite family stand-by. I'll be hummin' that tune all day.

We are such givers. The blog universe and Humboldt Co. should be showering us with awards and making us grand marshalls of a parade.

Who else is going to bring then such class and culture?

Keri said...

oops.. I meant "them". Ok, so we aren't going to lead the masses with our spelling and typing talents.

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure I heard this one in the lobby of Security National...

Anonymous said...

It's actually the jingle that the SN customer service line plays to the holders of the sub prime mortgage when they are put on hold for three and a half hours.

Kristabel said...

Hey boy...we can get Keri to play banjo, then we won't even need the karaoke background music! I say we perform it at the next company party instead of our planned "Take a Chance on Me" number. ABBA will understand.

Kristabel said...

Hey Ker,
Can I please wear the giant chicken costume to the parade? Please?

Kristabel said...

Hee hee hee...You, anonymi...are just funny.

Jennifer Savage said...

I saw this performed – the song – at one of Dell'Arte's cabarets. Almost the funniest thing ever.

Carol said...

Funny, but I sure won't be sharing that with the kids!

Kristabel said...

Hee hee hee, Jennifer; thanks for the clarity!

Yes, Carol, it's certainly a catchy tune - just like Gay Boyfriend, but much less appropriate to sing in public - although I was singing it at work today next to the Boy Most Likely To's desk. "Cuz you're beautiful and currrvy, but unless you're kinda perrrvy...."

Tapperass said...

Thank you so much for the song, Kristabel, it made my day.

"Maybe we can take a correspondence class!"


Kristabel said...

You're so welcome, boy. I can't wait 'til we let our freak flags fly at Aunt Charlie's lounge!

Kristabel said...

Oh, and boy....I'll bring my day glow strap-on if you bring the mescaline.

Tapperass said...


Anonymous said...

If you like that. You'd love Buck Naked and the Bare Bottem Boys.